gmx | Generic GROMACS namespace |
test | |
TestSystem | Description of the system used for testing |
ArrayRef | STL-like interface to a C array of T (or part of a std container of T) |
INNPotModel | NNPot Module |
NNPotTopologyPreprocessor | Class responsible for all modifications of the topology during input pre-processing |
TorchModel | Class responsible for loading and evaluating a TorchScript-compiled neural network model. Inherits from NNPotModel |
CommandLineHelpWriter | Writes help information for Options |
CommandLineModuleSettings | Settings to pass information between a module and the general runner |
ICommandLineModule | Module that can be run from command line using CommandLineModuleManager |
ICommandLineOptionsModuleSettings | Settings to pass information between a CommandLineOptionsModule and generic code that runs it |
ICommandLineOptionsModule | Module that can be run from a command line and uses gmx::Options for argument processing |
CommandLineParser | Implements command-line parsing for Options objects |
TrajectoryFileOpener | Low level method to take care of only file opening and closing |
TrajectoryFrameWriter | Writes coordinate frames to a sink, e.g. a trajectory file |
ProcessFrameConversion | ProcessFrameConversion class for handling the running of several analysis steps |
IFrameConverter | IFrameConverter interface for manipulating coordinate information |
IOutputAdapter | OutputAdapter class for handling trajectory file flag setting and processing |
OutputSelector | OutputSelector class controls setting which coordinates are actually written |
SetAtoms | SetAtoms class controls availability of atoms data |
SetBox | Allows changing box information when writing a coordinate file |
SetForces | SetForces class allows changing writing of forces to file |
SetPrecision | SetPrecision class allows changing file writing precision |
SetStartTime | SetStartTime class allows changing trajectory time information |
SetTimeStep | SetTimeStep class allows changing trajectory time information |
SetVelocities | SetVelocities class allows changing writing of velocities to file |
OutputRequirementOptionDirector | Container for the user input values that will be used by the builder to determine which OutputAdapters should/could/will be registered to the coordinate file writer |
OutputRequirements | Finalized version of requirements after processing |
DomainCommBackward | Setup for selecting halo atoms to be sent and sending coordinates to another domain |
ColumnInfo | Struct for collecting information on grid columns |
DomainCommForward | Setup for receiving halo coordinates from another domain and sending halo forces |
DomainPairComm | Setup for communication between pairs of domains, both backward and forward along the DD grid |
FixedCapacityVector | Vector that behaves likes std::vector but has fixed capacity |
HaloMpiRequests | Storage for MPI request for halo MPI receive and send operations |
HaloExchange | Handles the halo communication of coordinates and forces |
RocfftInitializer | Provides RAII-style initialization of rocFFT library |
RocfftPlan | All the persistent data for planning an executing a 3D FFT |
PlanSetupData | Helper struct to reduce repetitive code setting up a 3D FFT plan |
H5md | Manager of an H5MD filehandle. The class is designed to read/write data according to de Buyl et al., 2014 ( and |
ArrayRefWithPadding | Interface to a C array of T (or part of a std container of T), that includes padding that is suitable for the kinds of SIMD operations GROMACS uses |
ListOfLists | A list of lists, optimized for performance |
PaddedVector | PaddedVector is a container of elements in contiguous storage that allocates extra memory for safe SIMD-style loads for operations used in GROMACS |
AtomPair | A pair of atoms indexes |
SimulationSignal | POD-style object used by mdrun ranks to set and receive signals within and between simulations |
SimulationSignaller | Object used by mdrun ranks to signal to each other at this step |
Range | Defines a range of integer numbers and accompanying operations |
iterator | An iterator that loops over a range of integers |
MembedHolder | Membed SimulatorBuilder parameter type |
SimulatorConfig | Simulation configuation settings |
SimulatorStateData | Data for a specific simulation state |
SimulatorEnv | Collection of environmental information for a simulation |
Profiling | Collection of profiling information |
ConstraintsParam | Collection of constraint parameters |
LegacyInput | Collection of legacy input information |
InteractiveMD | SimulatorBuilder parameter type for InteractiveMD |
IonSwapping | Parameter type for IonSwapping SimulatorBuilder component |
TopologyData | Collection of handles to topology information |
BoxDeformationHandle | Handle to information about the box |
CheckpointData | } |
IsSerializableEnum | { |
MtsLevel | Setting for a single level for multiple time step integration |
GromppMtsOpts | Struct for passing the MTS mdp options to setupMtsLevels() |
ElementNotFoundError | Exception class signalling that a requested element was not found |
MissingElementConnectionError | Exception class signalling that elements were not connected properly |
SimulationAlgorithmSetupError | Exception class signalling that the ModularSimulatorAlgorithm was set up in an incompatible way |
CheckpointError | Exception class signalling an error in reading or writing modular checkpoints |
EnergyAccumulator | Base energy accumulator class, only specializations are used |
BenchmarkSystem | Description of the system used for benchmarking |
EnergyFunctionProperties | Set of boolean constants mimicking preprocessor macros |
GridDimensions | The physical dimensions of a grid |
gmx_cache_protect_t | Cache-line protection buffer |
nbnxn_cj_t | This is the actual cluster-pair list j-entry |
JClusterList | Simple j-cluster list |
nbnxn_sci_t | Grouped pair-list i-unit |
nbnxn_im_ei_t | Interaction data for a j-group for one warp |
nbnxn_cj_packed_t | Packed j-cluster list element |
PackedJClusterList | Packed j-cluster list |
nbnxn_excl_t | Struct for storing the atom-pair interaction bits for a cluster pair in a GPU pairlist |
NbnxnPairlistCpu | Cluster pairlist type for use on CPUs |
PairlistSets | Contains sets of pairlists |
NbnxmPairlistCpuWork | Working data for the actual i-supercell during pair search |
IClusterData | Struct for storing coordinates and bounding box for an i-entry during search |
nbnxn_cycle_t | Local cycle count struct for profiling |
PairsearchWork | Thread-local work struct, contains working data for Grid |
PairSearch | Main pair-search struct, contains the grid(s), not the pair-list(s) |
CoulombCalculator | Base Coulomb calculator class, only specializations are used |
CoulombCalculator< KernelCoulombType::RF > | Specialized calculator for RF |
CoulombCalculator< KernelCoulombType::EwaldAnalytical > | Specialized calculator for Ewald using an analytic approximation |
CoulombCalculator< KernelCoulombType::EwaldTabulated > | Specialized calculator for Ewald using tabulated functions |
DiagonalMasker | Base Coulomb calculator class, only specializations are used |
DiagonalMasker< nR, kernelLayout, KernelLayoutClusterRatio::JSizeEqualsISize > | Specialized masker for JSizeEqualsISize |
DiagonalMasker< nR, kernelLayout, KernelLayoutClusterRatio::JSizeIsDoubleISize > | Specialized masker for JSizeIsDoubleISize |
DiagonalMasker< nR, kernelLayout, KernelLayoutClusterRatio::JSizeIsHalfISize > | Specialized masker for JSizeIsHalfISize |
EnergyAccumulator< useEnergyGroups, false > | Specialized energy accumulator class for no energy calculation |
EnergyAccumulator< false, true > | Specialized energy accumulator class for energy accumulation without energy groups |
EnergyAccumulator< true, true > | Specialized energy accumulator class for energy accumulation with energy groups |
EnergyGroupsPerCluster | Holds energy group indices for use in EnergyAccumulator<true, true> |
LennardJonesCalculator | Base LJ calculator class, only specializations are used |
LennardJonesCalculator< false, InteractionModifiers::PotShift > | Specialized calculator for LJ with potential shift and no energy calculation |
LennardJonesCalculator< true, InteractionModifiers::PotShift > | Specialized calculator for LJ with potential shift and energy calculation |
LennardJonesCalculator< calculateEnergies, InteractionModifiers::ForceSwitch > | Specialized calculator for LJ with force switch |
LennardJonesCalculator< calculateEnergies, InteractionModifiers::PotSwitch > | Specialized calculator for LJ with potential switch |
NbnxmKernel | Class name for NBNXM kernel |
AbstractOptionSection | Base class for specifying option section properties |
AbstractOptionSectionHandle | Base class for handles to option sections |
OptionSection | Declares a simple option section |
OptionSectionHandle | Allows adding options to an OptionSection |
RepeatingOptionSectionHandle | Allows adding options to an RepeatingOptionSection |
RepeatingOptionSection | Declares an option section that creates a structure for each instance |
PullCoordExpressionParser | Class with a mathematical expression and parser |
ExponentialDistribution | Exponential distribution |
param_type | Exponential distribution parameters |
GammaDistribution | Gamma distribution |
param_type | Gamma distribution parameters |
NormalDistribution | Normal distribution |
param_type | Normal distribution parameters |
TabulatedNormalDistribution | Tabulated normal random distribution |
param_type | Normal distribution parameter class (mean and stddev) |
ThreeFry2x64General | General implementation class for ThreeFry counter-based random engines |
ThreeFry2x64 | ThreeFry2x64 random engine with 20 iteractions |
ThreeFry2x64Fast | ThreeFry2x64 random engine with 13 iteractions |
UniformIntDistribution | Uniform integer distribution |
param_type | Uniform int distribution parameters |
UniformRealDistribution | Uniform real distribution |
param_type | Uniform real distribution parameters |
ConvertTprInfo | Declares gmx convert-tpr |
BoolType | A clone of a bool as a workaround on the template specialization of std::vector<bool> that is incompatible with ArrayRef |
DataFileOptions | Search parameters for DataFileFinder |
DataFileInfo | Information about a data file found by DataFileFinder::enumerateFiles() |
DataFileFinder | Searches data files from a set of paths |
StringToEnumValueConverter | A class to convert a string to an enum value of type EnumType |
NonbondedBenchmarkInfo | Declares gmx nonbonded-bench |
BasicVector | C++ class for 3D vectors |
AbstractAnalysisData | Abstract base class for all objects that provide data |
AnalysisData | Parallelizable data container for raw data |
AnalysisDataHandle | Handle for inserting data into AnalysisData |
AbstractAnalysisArrayData | Abstract base class for data objects that present in-memory data |
AnalysisArrayData | Simple in-memory data array |
AnalysisDataValue | Value type for representing a single value in analysis data objects |
AnalysisDataFrameHeader | Value type for storing frame-level information for analysis data |
AnalysisDataPointSetRef | Value type wrapper for non-mutable access to a set of data column values |
AnalysisDataFrameRef | Value type wrapper for non-mutable access to a data frame |
IAnalysisDataModule | Interface for a module that gets notified whenever data is added |
AnalysisDataModuleSerial | Convenience base class for serial analysis data modules |
AnalysisDataModuleParallel | Convenience base class for parallel analysis data modules |
AnalysisDataAverageModule | Data module for independently averaging each column in input data |
AnalysisDataFrameAverageModule | Data module for averaging of columns for each frame |
AnalysisDataDisplacementModule | Data module for calculating displacements |
AnalysisHistogramSettingsInitializer | Provides "named parameter" idiom for constructing histograms |
AnalysisHistogramSettings | Contains parameters that specify histogram bin locations |
AbstractAverageHistogram | Base class for representing histograms averaged over frames |
AnalysisDataSimpleHistogramModule | Data module for per-frame histograms |
AnalysisDataWeightedHistogramModule | Data module for per-frame weighted histograms |
AnalysisDataBinAverageModule | Data module for bin averages |
AnalysisDataLifetimeModule | Data module for computing lifetime histograms for columns in input data |
AnalysisDataPlotSettings | Common settings for data plots |
AbstractPlotModule | Abstract data module for writing data into a file |
AnalysisDataPlotModule | Plotting module for straightforward plotting of data |
AnalysisDataVectorPlotModule | Plotting module specifically for data consisting of vectors |
StaticLog2 | Evaluate log2(n) for integer n statically at compile time |
StaticLog2< 1 > | Specialization of StaticLog2<n> for n==1 |
StaticLog2< 0 > | Specialization of StaticLog2<n> for n==0 |
AbstractOption | Abstract base class for specifying option properties |
OptionTemplate | Templated base class for constructing concrete option settings classes |
OptionInfo | Gives information and allows modifications to an option after creation |
BooleanOption | Specifies an option that provides boolean values |
IntegerOption | Specifies an option that provides integer values |
Int64Option | Specifies an option that provides 64-bit integer values |
DoubleOption | Specifies an option that provides floating-point (double) values |
FloatOption | Specifies an option that provides floating-point (float) values |
StringOption | Specifies an option that provides string values |
EnumOption | Specifies an option that accepts an EnumerationArray of string values and writes the selected index into an enum variable |
LegacyEnumOption | Specifies an option that accepts enumerated string values and writes the selected index into an enum variable |
BooleanOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing boolean option information |
IntegerOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing integer option information |
Int64OptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing 64-bit integer option information |
DoubleOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing floating-point option information |
FloatOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing floating-point option information |
StringOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing string option information |
EnumOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing enum option information |
FileNameOption | Specifies an option that provides file names |
FileNameOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing file name option information |
FileNameOptionManager | Handles interaction of file name options with global options |
IOptionsBehavior | Interface to provide extension points for options parsing |
IOptionsContainer | Interface for adding input options |
IOptionsContainerWithSections | Interface for adding input options with sections |
IOptionManager | Base class for option managers |
Options | Collection of options |
TimeUnitManager | Provides common functionality for time unit conversions |
TimeUnitBehavior | Options behavior to add a time unit option |
PotentialPointData | Structure to hold the results of IRestraintPotential::evaluate() |
IRestraintPotential | Interface for Restraint potentials |
AnalysisNeighborhoodPositions | Input positions for neighborhood searching |
AnalysisNeighborhood | Neighborhood searching for analysis tools |
AnalysisNeighborhoodPair | Value type to represent a pair of positions found in neighborhood searching |
AnalysisNeighborhoodSearch | Initialized neighborhood search with a fixed set of reference positions |
AnalysisNeighborhoodPairSearch | Initialized neighborhood pair search with a fixed set of positions |
Selection | Provides access to a single selection |
SelectionPosition | Provides access to information about a single selected position |
SelectionCollection | Collection of selections |
SelectionTopologyProperties | Describes topology properties required for selection evaluation |
SelectionOption | Specifies an option that provides selection(s) |
SelectionOptionInfo | Wrapper class for accessing and modifying selection option information |
ITopologyProvider | Provides topology information to SelectionOptionBehavior |
SelectionOptionBehavior | Options behavior to allow using SelectionOptions |
SelectionOptionManager | Handles interaction of selection options with other options and user input |
RangePartitioning | Division of a range of indices into consecutive blocks |
TrajectoryAnalysisModuleData | Base class for thread-local data storage during trajectory analysis |
TrajectoryAnalysisModule | Base class for trajectory analysis modules |
TrajectoryAnalysisSettings | Trajectory analysis module configuration object |
TrajectoryAnalysisCommandLineRunner | Runner for command-line trajectory analysis tools |
EnumClassSuitsEnumerationArray | Helper class to determine whether a template type that is an enum class has a Count field |
ExceptionInfo | Stores additional context information for exceptions |
ExceptionInitializer | Provides information for Gromacs exception constructors |
GromacsException | Base class for all exception objects in Gromacs |
FileIOError | Exception class for file I/O errors |
UserInputError | Exception class for user input errors |
InvalidInputError | Exception class for situations where user input cannot be parsed/understood |
InconsistentInputError | Exception class for situations where user input is inconsistent |
ToleranceError | Exception class when a specified tolerance cannot be achieved |
SimulationInstabilityError | Exception class for simulation instabilities |
InternalError | Exception class for internal errors |
APIError | Exception class for incorrect use of an API |
RangeError | Exception class for out-of-range values or indices |
NotImplementedError | Exception class for use of an unimplemented feature |
ParallelConsistencyError | Exception class for use when ensuring that MPI ranks to throw in a coordinated fashion |
ModularSimulatorError | Exception class for modular simulator |
FlagsTemplate | Template class for typesafe handling of combination of flags |
InstallationPrefixInfo | Provides information about installation prefix (see IProgramContext::installationPrefix()) |
IProgramContext | Provides context information about the program that is calling the library |
StringFormatter | Function object that wraps a call to formatString() that expects a single conversion argument, for use with algorithms |
IdentityFormatter | Function object to implement the same interface as StringFormatter to use with strings that should not be formatted further |
EqualCaseInsensitive | Function object for comparisons with equalCaseInsensitive |
TextLineWrapperSettings | Stores settings for line wrapping |
TextLineWrapper | Wraps lines to a predefined length |
CompileTimeStringJoin | Combines string literals at compile time to final string |
AtomIterator | Object that allows looping over all atoms in an mtop |
AtomProperties | Holds all the atom property information loaded |
AtomProxy | Proxy object returned from AtomIterator |
AtomRange | Range over all atoms of topology |
AtomsAdjacencyListElement | Helper type for discovering coupled constraints |
BalanceRegion | Object that describes a DLB balancing region |
CheckpointHeaderContents | Header explaining the context of a checkpoint file |
df_history_t | Free-energy sampling history struct |
FEPStateValue | Template wrapper struct for particle FEP state values |
ForceHelperBuffers | Helper force buffers for ForceOutputs |
ForeignLambdaTerms | Accumulates free-energy foreign lambda energies and dH/dlamba |
gmx_ana_index_t | Stores a single index group |
gmx_ana_indexmap_t | Data structure for calculating index group mappings |
gmx_ana_pos_t | Stores a set of positions together with their origins |
gmx_cmap_t | CMAP grids |
gmx_cmapdata_t | CMAP data for a single grid |
gmx_domdec_constraints_t | Struct used during constraint setup with domain decomposition |
gmx_enerdata_t | Struct for accumulating all potential energy terms and some kinetic energy terms |
gmx_ffparams_t | Struct that holds all force field parameters for the simulated system |
gmx_localtop_t | The fully written out topology for a domain over its lifetime |
gmx_molblock_t | Block of molecules of the same type, used in gmx_mtop_t |
gmx_moltype_t | Molecules type data: atoms, interactions and exclusions |
gmx_nodecomm_t | Settings and communicators for two-step communication: intra + inter-node |
gmx_sparsematrix | Sparse matrix storage format |
IListIterator | Object that allows looping over all atoms in an mtop |
IListProxy | Proxy object returned from IListIterator |
IListRange | Range over all interaction lists of topology |
IndexGroup | An index group consisting or a name and list of atom indices |
InteractionDefinitions | Struct with list of interaction parameters and lists of interactions |
InteractionList | List of listed interactions |
InteractionListHandle | Type for returning a list of InteractionList references |
LocalSettleData | Local settle data |
MoleculeBlockIndices | Indices for a gmx_molblock_t, derived from other gmx_mtop_t contents |
PartialDeserializedTprFile | Contains the partly deserialized contents of a TPR file |
PbcAiuc | Compact and ordered version of the PBC matrix |
PdbAtomEntry | Contains information for a single particle in a PDB file |
PmeSolve | Class for solving PME for Coulomb and LJ |
SettleWaterTopology | Composite data for settle initialization |
SimulationGroups | Contains the simulation atom groups |
SimulationInputHandle | Owning handle to a SimulationInput object |
SimulationParticle | Single particle in a simulation |
StringTable | A class to store strings for lookup |
StringTableEntry | Helper class to access members in StringTable |
SystemMomenta | System momenta used with with the box deform option |
SystemMomentum | The momentum and mass of the whole system |
t_filenm | File name option definition for C code |
t_idef | Deprecated interation definitions, used in t_topology |
t_ilist | Deprecated list of listed interactions |
t_interaction_function | Interaction function |
t_iparams | Union of various interaction paramters |
t_mapping | Maps an XPM element to an RGB color and a string description |
t_matrix | A matrix of integers, plus supporting values, such as used in XPM output |
t_mdatoms | Declares mdatom data structure |
t_nblist | A plain atom pair list, used only for perturbed non-bonded interactions |
IEntry | An i-entry |
JEntry | A j-entry |
t_oriresdata | Orientation restraining stuff |
t_pargs | Command-line argument definition for C code |
t_pbc | Structure containing info on periodic boundary conditions |
t_state | The microstate of the system |
t_xpmelmt | Models an XPM element |
VsiteTypeAndSign | Struct for handling vsite information for vsite generation inside grompp |
wallcc_t | Counters for an individual wallcycle timing region |
WarningHandler | General warning handling object |
WaterMolecule | Indices of atoms in a water molecule |