Neural Network Potentials¶
The NNPot module allows the use of potentials based on neural networks or machine learning in general. These models can be trained to reproduce forces and energies at ab initio levels of accuracy, based on training data from electronic structure calculations with e.g. DFT or CCSD(T). They take atomic descriptors as their input, most commonly the atom positions and atomic numbers, and output a value for the potential energy of the given conformation. The forces can then be calculated by backpropagating the gradients through the machine learning model (e.g. PyTorchs AutoGrad engine), w.r.t. the inputs. Currently, only models trained in PyTorch, exported using its TorchScript functionality, are supported.
Hybrid NNP/MM Simulations¶
The NNPot interface also supports hybrid NNP/MM simulations, where only a small
subsystem is modeled with the neural network potential, and the rest of the system
is modeled using regular force fields. The embedding scheme used is analoguous
to the additive mechanical embedding scheme in QMMM simulations, where the total
energy of the system is expressed as
Software Prerequisites¶
To perform simulations with the NNPot module, GROMACS needs to be linked with a LibTorch installation (version 2.0 or higher). For specific installations instructions please see this section of the install guide.
Simulations using the NNPot interface are controlled by setting mdp file options.
In particular, the relevant options, specifying the behaviour of a simulation
with nnpot-active
set to true
, are:
: Specifies a path to a TorchScript-compiled model, either absolute or relative to the simulation directory. If not provided, the interface will look for a file
in the current working directory.nnpot-input-group
: Specifies an [index group] defining the input atoms for the NNP subsystem. Defaults toSystem
, which performs a pure NNP simulation.nnpot-model-input[1-4]
: These options can be used to specify the inputs for the model. Supported options areatom-positions
, a vector containing the input atom positions;atom-numbers
, a vector containing atomic numbers;box
, the unit vectors of the simulation box;pbc
, a boolean vector specifying PBC type.
The inputs are passed to the model in order of their occurence in the mdp file. Note
that there are no default values for the model input, so not specifying the model
input will lead to errors. The model is expected to return a tensor containing the energy
of the system and, optionally, a tensor containing the forces on the input atoms.
This option can be useful for cases in which the forces can be computed by the model
by some technique that is more efficient than via backpropagation. If the model does not
provide its own forces, they are calculated by the interface as gradients
w.r.t. the first input tensor. You can specify the device on which you wish to run model inference using the
environment variable GMX_NN_DEVICE
. For now, only cpu
and cuda
are supported.
For cuda
, a CUDA-aware LibTorch installation should be installed, and the corresponding
CUDA installation should be available in your PATH
Find below an example Python code snippet to export a pretrained model in PyTorch using TorchScript. As an example, we use the popular ANI models available from TorchANI.
import torch
from torch import nn
from torchani.models import ANI2x
from typing import Optional
class GmxNNPotModelWrapper(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
# Load a pre-trained ANI-2x model
self.model = ANI2x(periodic_table_index=True)
# GROMACS and TorchANI use different unit conventions
self.length_conversion = 10.0 # nm --> Å
self.energy_conversion = 2625.5 # Hartree --> kJ/mol
def forward(self, positions, atomic_numbers,
box: Optional[torch.Tensor]=None, pbc: Optional[torch.Tensor]=None):
# Prepare the inputs for the model
atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers.unsqueeze(0)
positions = positions.unsqueeze(0) * self.length_conversion
if box is not None:
box *= self.length_conversion
# Forward pass
result = self.model((atomic_numbers, positions), box, pbc)
energy = result.energies[0] * self.energy_conversion
return energy
model = GmxNNPotModelWrapper()
save_path = ''
The model can then be used in GROMACS by specifying the path to the saved model. Take care that the LibTorch version linked to GROMACS matches the one that was used to train/export the model.