.. _gmxapi: ===================== gmxapi Python package ===================== Version |gmxapi-version|. :py:mod:`gmxapi` allows molecular simulation and analysis work to be staged and run from Python. After installing |Gromacs| and the gmxapi Python package, you can use :command:`pydoc gmxapi` from the command line or ``import gmxapi; help(gmxapi)`` within a Python interpreter for concise usage help. Complete documentation is collected in the following sections. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 userguide/install userguide/usage userguide/pythonreference To discuss *gmxapi*, use the ``#gmxapi`` `tag `__ on the |Gromacs| `user discussion forum`_. Report bugs through the |Gromacs| `issue tracker`_. Complete documentation for the *gmxapi* Python package is part of the |Gromacs| `manual `_ since *gmxapi* version 0.1. Older releases can also be found at `GitHub `_. Pre-release documentation may be found at https://manual.gromacs.org/nightly/gmxapi/. .. seealso:: gmxapi publications Irrgang, M. E., Davis, C., & Kasson, P. M. gmxapi: A GROMACS-native Python interface for molecular dynamics with ensemble and plugin support. *PLOS Comput Biol* 2022. DOI: `10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009835 `_ Irrgang, M. E., Hays, J. M., & Kasson, P. M. gmxapi: a high-level interface for advanced control and extension of molecular dynamics simulations. *Bioinformatics* 2018. DOI: `10.1093/bioinformatics/bty484 `_