Performance improvements#

Improved performance for inhomogeneous systems#

The performance of systems with a lot of empty space is improved by optimizing the pair search grid for the effective atom density.

Issue 4805

Flexible hydrogen mass repartitioning using grompp#

Instead of using pdb2gmx, which modifies the topology, a flexible scheme for hydrogen mass repartitioning is now available in grompp through the mass-repartition-factor mdp option. This provides easy access to a performance improvement of close to a factor two.

Issue 4866

Small performance regression to achieve more accurate pressure#

To lower the effect on Lennard-Jones pair interaction on the pressure, the Verlet buffer has been increased for most simulations using default mdp settings. This can lead to a few percent performance loss, in particular when using GPUs. The effect will be strongest for systems with no or weak electrostatics, which includes most coarse-grained systems.

Issue 4861

HeFFTe multi-GPU FFT plan options are now configurable#

New environment variables GMX_HEFFTE_RESHAPE_ALGORITHM, GMX_HEFFTE_USE_GPU_AWARE, GMX_HEFFTE_USE_PENCILS, and GMX_HEFFTE_USE_REORDER permit the HeFFTe plan options to be configured at run time. The performance obtained can vary with the quality of implementation of e.g. the GPU-aware MPI library, as well as the layout and number of the GPUs participating in the 3D-FFT. Users can now find and use the best settings for their case. See the HeFFTe documentation for more details.